My buddy Craig and I hit up Las Vegas yesterday. He is an insider and knows the good spots. Plus he gets the “Locals” discount.
Breakfast buffet at Palace Station where I ate way too much plus 1 donut.
Down the strip and to The Spy Store. I had never been in one and didn’t know what to expect.
What I learned is that they make cameras so small and have them integrated into every conceivable everyday-looking item that I am convinced that there are numerous hidden cameras in every place that you might take your clothes off. So, yeah, that footage exists. Might as well just go with it.
Also, all small items that people carry are loaded with pepper spray and mini daggers. Trust no one.
Hidden safes are another thing. They make them to look like everything from a Bible, a can of coffee and nasty, stained underwear. So the next time you need drug money and decide to rifle through your neighbor’s house after he carelessly left for work, search those things first.
Next we went to the Pinball Museum. It isn’t so much a museum as one guy’s collection. Of course, he needs a warehouse to hold all of his machines. And, it is open to the public to play just like an arcade.
Hundreds of games going back to the inception of Pinballing. I recommend it to those who come to Vegas.
Those who know me, know I am pretty much all business. I gave up kid’s games in the third grade. So, we didnt stay long. And now, it was time to get down to it. We went to the Atomic Energy Museum. This place is made possible through association with the Smithsonian Goddamn Institute. This is the big time.
We narrowly squeaked in ahead of a high school field trip. Whew. The museum takes you through the whole process of splitting an atom and the development of The Big One. This is not a reference to my manhood. Stay focused, please.
“Scientists” claim that when you fire a neutron at an atom of uranium (they use uranium because of its high rate of decay, or “radioactivity”, makes the whole thing easier or because the atom is fucking huge…I can’t remember. They were going pretty fast) which causes atomic fission (cuts the bitch in half like a Vegas stage magician) but also creates a brand new neutron out of thin air (just lIke God used to do). Now the two neutrons keep going and hit two more atoms. The process keeps on like those shampoo commercials from the 70s where they say, “I told two friends, and they told two friends…” (pic related)
This is called a “chain reaction”.
It was all very educational and such. And, I felt ready to take a shot at building my own nuclear device but the prices of the yellow cake uranium in the gift shop were pretty outrageous. That’s how they getcha. I’m no sucker.
Still, what is the sense of learning if you can’t have a practical application of the knowledge you have gained, right? I mean, think of the kids. This museum is for them.
Well, the good people of the Atomic Energy Commision, The Smithsonian and the great state of Nevada wouldn’t do that to us. That would make them a tease.
But they know that deep down (or in my case right there on the surface) people want to channel their Grand Moff Tarkin and know how it feels to blow up a planet. Hell, I know that I would sleep better at night if MY finger was on THE button.
They have an interactive display that allows you to live out that modern-day fantasy. I shit you not.
They let you watch a film strip of the detonation of an atomic bomb. They cue you when to start your audible and dramatic countdown and even give you the big, red button… (pics related)
Learning to, step-by-step, build and detonate a doomsday device is a hoot and everything and, we were encouraged to take as many pictures as we wanted.
However, the next, and only other, exhibit on the grounds is serious business. No pictures allowed.
It is the Area 51 Museum (held over by popular demand).
I went in a little pre-pissed off because of the wheel barrow of bullshit they were gonna unload on me about weather balloons, swamp gas and conspiracy kooks. I was surprised.
They displayed artifacts and replicas that explained that the alleged UFO crash at Roswell was not such a big deal because of all the other sighting, aerial battles and crashes that were big deals.
They had quotes from U.S. President’s on the walls in which they say stuff like, “Yep. All True.”
Film strips of interviews with the engineers of the famed Skunkworks where they pretty much confess like it is NBD that “Stealth” technology was developed through the arduous task of reverse-engineering alien space craft. And that MiB is real.
Of course, I don’t have any pictures to back any of this up. You’ll have to pay the 5 bucks and tour it yourself.
When it comes to proof of alien visitation, I need look no further than Trixie. She is truly out of this world.