You ever notice how TV shows with the most immature humor carry a disclaimer that it is meant for Mature Audiences only? Well, this post is like that.
I must have suffered some kind of hilarious trauma when I was 12 years old or something because my sense of humor pretty much stopped developing then. I speak, of course, of bathroom stuff.
I drove to Nashville to the Hermitage Hotel…and, dammit! An announcement has just been made to evacuate the building for an unspecified emergency…seriously.
Ok, all is clear and there is no way I am ever going to convince anyone that that just happened but it did. Here are some of the details…some Jazz Age Era music, like from the 20s, was playing over the speakers. At the absolute perfect time, I swear this was so perfect…I insist I am not making this up…the music was replaced with the sound of a klaxon. After three cycles, a man’s voice announced that an emergency had been reported and to please evacuate the building. It was soooo perfect! Dammit!
Anyway, the Hermitage Hotel in Nashville is very fancy. (pic related)
The bellhops don’t wear those pillbox hats, but it is fancy enough that they could get away with it.
The Award-winning Hermitage Hotel is famous, in certain circles. I did not know that these circles even existed but, every year the trophy for “Best Public Men’s Room goes to them. (pics)
It is done in Art Deco.
I was about 100 miles from Nashville when I made the drive. However, if I was going to make the effort, I was going to get my money’s worth (even though it is free). I put myself on a rigid constipation regimen for 2 days prior. I wanted to absolutely destroy that room.
My grand entrance to the lobby was delayed by a exiting wedding party. I took pics of the bride. But that is boring.
I made straight for the concierge.
Me: I hear you have a must-see Men’s Room.
Concierge: Yes sir. Down the stairs, to the left, down again. Straight on.
Me: Got it.
Fortunately the bathroom was empty because men’s room or not, I was gonna take pics…
As soon as I settled in, I am not making this up, a tour group came through. For them, it was just in time.
Here was my view, btw…
And, I began to compose this story.
Upon finishing my business, but not my story, I, hehe…shit you not…the klaxon erupted and they cleared the building.
It was the most fulfilling experience of my life.
By the time I composed myself and exited the bathroom, the alert had been cancelled so I went to get breakfast in the Capitol Room. (pic related)
My waiter apologized for the ruckus. Apparently it was a false alarm. No idea what tripped it.
I laughed. Out loud. Like a 12 year old.
I volunteer as tribute to see Trixie!