Tommy Becomes a Patron of the Arts

I finally managed to break free of the icy grip disguised as a warm hug of the Wood Family.

Of course, having been spoiled rotten, I have to start all over. I am far too soft for the harsh and rugged life of a vagabond.

I drove across the Continental Divide and landed in Farmington, NM (population:whatever; temperature: a two-digit number beginning with a 1…that’s the stat they should post).

I drove for a couple hours without anyone looking me straight in the face and saying how glad they are to have me as a friend. Made me feel lonesome.

I glanced over at my new painting, the one that now allows me to describe the EM-50 Phantom Rambler as “Stately Appointed” (pic related)


This was presented to me by the scion, Quincy, upon meeting me. It was her masterpiece of the day and given freely when I admired the bright and cheerful colors.

I could not accept it without sacrifice.  I bought the young artist a 99 cents bean burrito. Then Laura gave me a dollar coin. Drat!

My feet stay cold. And, there is no one around to nag me about “getting off the hooch” (diet sodas) or badgering me with questions like, “is there anything you need?” and, “are you comfortable/hungry/thirsty,etc”

Being alone again, I don’t get nearly as many riveting discussions/arguments about the world, politics, and, whether or not society is broken and if so, how to fix it. It really is fascinating to me how a person as supremely intelligent as Laura could be wrong about so many important subjects. One of life’s mysteries, I guess.

I tried to get back into my routine and headed straight for McDonald’s,  but when I found myself asking the drive-thru speaker box about “vegan options” I knew I had a problem reentering society.

The sleeping area of the the Rambler suddenly seemed cramped and drafty. I thought of Trixie and was warm all over.

I get to see her in three weeks. You know, if I’m tough enough to survive that long.

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