Tommy Turns Back

I spent the night in Pagosa Springs, CO – home of the World’s Deepest Hot Spring. People will measure anything.

Apparently,  it is also a ski resort. But, I didn’t know that.

When I parked for the evening, I was still 111 miles west of my destination, The Jack Dempsey Museum in Manassa, CO. I didn’t make it.

I am back in Durango, trying to find a route south…maybe Mexico.

I rolled out of the Millennium Phantom this morning to discover I had woken up on the planet, Hoth. (pic related)




It snowed

This caught me by surprise, since when I had passed Chimney Rock, 10 miles west, there was no indication of a storm (pic related)

It looks like a chimney!

Except for those ominous looking clouds

I burst from the Phantom like a waterside had just given birth to me, and discovered that I had neighbors. Two twenty-something  snowbunnies had parked next to me and we’re cleaning the accumulation off of their car.

1st snow bunny: Ooh! I hope we didn’t wake you.


Me: No, I always look like this.


2nd SB: So, you gonna SHRED it this morning?


Me: Thanks. It’s tempting. But, I’m a married man.


1st SB: What?


Me: What?

2nd SB: I’m talking about hitting the slopes. They are gnarly.


Me: Rad. But, I’m pretty sure that’s a hate crime. And,  I don’t care for that word.


1st SB: You don’t ski, do you?


Me: Hell, I’m just glad my wife made me pack a winter coat. (pic related)



2nd SB: So, if you don’t ski, why are you here?

Me: I am on my way to Manassa.


1st SB: Hmm. Don’t know where that is, but if it is east of here, I wouldn’t go. Big storm moving across the pass.


Me (looking around wondering why this didn’t qualify as a BIG storm):Yeah, it is east.


1st SB: Yikes. Well, good luck.

And, off they sped.


It took me all of about TWO seconds to decide that if the storm was too much for these folks, then I should be smarter about it and head for lower ground.

An uneventful day.

As always, Trixie is in my thoughts.

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